Host an Event


Events promoted by the GADD are hosted by a Member at their business or a third-party location. The venue and topic of the event must be well-suited or aimed toward the GADD Membership.

Such events include networking after hours, open houses, Continuing Education Units, Lunch/Dine & Learns, etc. All financial and contractual responsibilities for these events fall to the hosting Member. The event will be promoted by the GADD at no cost if the event meets the GADD’s standards. The requirements include:

  • Application reviewed and approved by the GADD Board of Directors
  • Venue, vendors, and presenters booked by the Member host.
  • All financial responsibility and liability fall to the Member host.
  • Member host provides all information (marketing information/ flyer) to the GADD in a timely manner (preferably 5-8 weeks in advance).
  • Events will be promoted by the GADD at multiple times on multiple media platforms.
  • RSVP’s can either provide an email address to receive real-time attendee responses directly OR GADD can set up an invite link and track the RSVP’s and forward the list to you.
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