Message from the President

March 22, 2020 News

Dear Members and Friends –

As I sat down to draft this message to our Members, associates, and friends, this opening paragraph was the most difficult to compose.  As the current ADD President, fellow small business owner/industry peer, and long-standing resident in the Annapolis area, my heart is both heavy with concern and filled with determination.  I feel it’s time to be candid, and I find no reason to repeat the verbiage of other messages we’re receiving.  We are an outstanding community of professionals.  Together, we’ll persevere.

To quote Winston Churchill, “Worry is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind.  If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.”

  • Try not to worry.  We’re in the business of creativity and design!  Let’s be creative in our thoughts and design of future business endeavors.
  • Try not to be fearful.  Let’s be mindful and vigilant, while also thoughtful, kind and considerate.
  • Support each other and other local businesses.
  • Use the ADD as a resource over the coming weeks.

The ADD is led by a team of strong leaders who are here for you.  Perhaps all we can do for now is listen, empathize and brainstorm.  Perhaps in the future we can link you to another Member who is experiencing similar business issues or be a resource for a teaming or employment opportunity.  We can’t be sure, but I can reassure you that we’re here as a resource for you.  Through unity we will survive, overcome and succeed.

To contact an ADD Board Member, please send a message to  Please include your name and preferred contact information.  For a complete directory of ADD Members, please visit

All ADD events are suspended until further notice, including the April 2nd event at Kitchen & Bath Creations (KBC).  The Events Committee had planned several intriguing events in 2020 that we’ll reschedule as timing allows.  I look forward to seeing you at a future event.  I look forward to working and talking with you very soon.

With heartfelt consideration,

Lisa Tullai
Annapolis Interiors 
Serving as President for the Greater Annapolis Design District

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