Update & Personal Note from the President

While we’re all busy on the foreground with our work and businesses, the ADD continues to operate as usual behind the scenes.  The Board continues meeting monthly via Zoom to oversee the organization and brainstorm on ideas to nurture our community and make progress on our 2020 Strategic Plan.

The Strategic Planning Committee will soon begin developing the 2021-2022 Strategic Plan and Budget, which will define the ADD’s goals and objectives that benefit the organization and our Members.  While modified, we are meeting many of our goals for 2020.

To help our local citizens in need, we’ve set up an ADD donation page on the Anne Arundel County Food Bank website.  As a community organization, please help make a difference and contribute to our goal of $5,000.

The Marketing Committee remains active in seeking opportunities to promote the ADD and our Members.  We will appear in all six issues of Annapolis Home Magazine in 2020.  The September issue will feature a Member directory and spotlight promotion on a Business Member.

While the ADD may support in-person events by sharing information, we will only be organizing virtual events over the next few months.  The Events Committee will be releasing a schedule of virtual events soon for August through October. Please follow us on Facebook to receive up-to-date information and be on the lookout for emails about upcoming events.

On a more personal note, I’m going to speak openly and honestly with you.  I had an opportunity to do so with the ADD Board Members recently and found it enlightening.  The last several months have been challenging in a variety of ways.  We’ve all been impacted and continue to struggle, whether directly due to a COVID-19 illness or via the rippling effect of closures and adhering to the recommended safety standards or dealing with those who refuse.  “Safety,” “fear” and “frustration” are now words spoken often.

Many of us, including me, are fortunate that our businesses have continued to operate at near capacity during the past few months and, so far, have only had to deal with side effects that are disturbing, distracting, and time consuming.  Many other businesses have been devastated, and my heart goes out to them.  As a community, we cannot repair the damage already done by COVID-19.  We can, however, stop the spread of the virus, continue to flatten the curve, and prevent future damage to our companies and the financial impact on other businesses by following and enforcing the safety guidelines.  To me, it’s such a simple thing to do – wear a mask, maintain distancing, and wash hands.  To me, it’s not a choice, but a requirement that I do for my family, business, community, and Maryland’s economy.  I implore those who aren’t doing so to read and follow the safety guidelines https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/guidance-business-response.html#more-changes.

Now I’ll share something unexpected and heartwarming that I’ve recently encountered.  During these difficult times of isolation and conflict, I’ve been touched (not literally – from a distance!) by human kindness.  Just in the past two days, a masked passerby complimented me on my mask, a gentleman on shore waved a “hello” while I was kayaking, and a voice from New York (!!!!) on the phone asked me how we were doing here in Maryland and wished me well.  These simple gestures struck me in a positive way.  (Especially the compliment on my mask.  Who would ever expect to hear such muffled words?) I hope for you the same.  Wear a mask, compliment someone on theirs, wave hello from afar, and be kind.  It’s so simple!

All my best to you and yours.  Stay safe, stay well, and remember the ADD community remains strong.

Lisa Tullai
Annapolis Interiors
Serving as ADD President and Marketing/Communications Chair

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